Alison Moore

mary mumvuri
Nursing Standard

‘To get to the top, you have to be prepared to take risks’

Few black nurses make it to a director of nursing post. Mary Mumvuri believes her success is...

BME leaders
Nursing Standard

Helping aspiring BME leaders make it to the top

A programme from the NHS Leadership Academy is enabling talented people from under-...

Wellington Makala
Nursing Standard

How I broke through - and my trust improved its BME approach

BME staff often find it hard to progress to senior grades in NHS organisations that remain, at the highest level, stubbornly white. Wellington Makala has broken through in a London trust that takes race equality seriously.

Nursing Standard

The blueprints for local services that could change your working life

Sustainability and transformation plans hit the headlines in August, raising concerns that...

Chief exec
Nursing Standard

The right stuff

Meet the nurses who are now chief executives

Mental health plans
Nursing Standard

Five year plan for mental health gets a detailed 'road map'

No one argues with the Five Year Forward View’s plan to give mental health equal status with...

Sickle cell
Nursing Standard

A specialised approach to sickle cell

The first nationwide survey of patients' experience of sickle cell services has revelaed concerns about urgent care, a lack of information for health professionals and negative care experiences.

Nursing Standard

Making a role for nurses in CCGs

The RCN lobbied hard for nurses to have a place on clinical commissioning group boards but their impact is highly varied, reveals a new report

Scan blood
Nursing Standard

How a barcoding system is revolutionising ways of working

Trusts are trialling the use of barcoding to monitor the movement of blood products, implants and patients’ records – freeing up precious time for nurses

Nursing Standard

After Brexit – what now for nurses and the NHS?

As the dust settles on the referendum result, Alison Moore looks at what leaving the EU will mean for the NHS and nurses working in the UK

Pathway to Excellence
Nursing Standard

On the road to positivity

Seeking to build a positive nursing environment at her trust, nursing director Carolyn Fox looked to the US for inspiration

Changing perceptions on flexible working is the way
Nursing Standard

Changing perceptions on flexible working is the way

Researchers say the nursing profession resists attempts to make it more accessible to women with young children to its own detriment

Nursing Standard

Study highlights link between unfairness and staff sickness

Work dissatisfaction can affect health, recruitment and retention

Nursing Standard

Eliminating unnecessary tests improves care and cuts costs

One older inpatient's experience of multiple pathology tests became a catalyst for change

Nursing Standard

Tips for smart leaders

Are you working for a transformational leader? The sort of person the NHS desperately needs who will enthuse and inspire all around them with 100 ideas a minute and boundless energy? Yes? Exhausting isn’t it?

Nursing Standard

Welcome to our NHS trust

NHS trusts have been struggling to recruit nurses, with the profession remaining on the Home Office’s ‘shortage occupation list’. Many trusts are now rushing to recruit from outside the European Union – including the Philippines and India. This article looks at the recruitment and induction processes at the Royal Surrey County NHS Foundation Trust in Guildford.

Nursing Standard

Afraid of revalidation? Let us put you at ease

Nurses outside the larger trusts may have worries about revalidation, such as who to have the reflective discussion with and how they will fulfil the CPD requirements. Evidence from the pilots suggests that these challenges can be overcome surprisingly easily.
