Caroline McGraw

Involving older people in decisions about deprescribing in end of life care

Involving older people in decisions about deprescribing in end of life care

Discover a framework for challenging conversations that can support discussions

Parkrun promotes physical activity and community spirit

Three studies explore the benefits of parkrun, a free 5km event held weekly around the UK

Examining the effects of knife crime on health services

Three studies explore the prevalence of knife crime in London on children and young people

Oral chemotherapy

Exploring perceptions and experiences of oral chemotherapy in people with cancer

The increasing use of oral chemotherapy treatment for cancer offers benefits...

End of life care for homeless people

Research focus: end of life care for homeless people

Homeless people have a shortened life expectancy (Crisis 2012). This digest summarises three recent research studies relating to end of life care among the homeless population

Angelina Jolie

The ‘Angelina Jolie effect’

Three studies evaluating the effect of the film star’s disclosure that she was a carrier of a mutated gene associated with an increased risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer.

Tattoos and piercings

Three recent studies identify the affects tattoos and body piercings have on the nursing role.


Research focus: the transition from child to adult care

This digest summarises three studies that seek to explore or prevent the gap between child and adult health services for young people with long term conditions.

Self-administration of medicine and older people

Background Non-adherence to medication regimens is a significant problem in older patients, which can lead to therapeutic failure and the wastage of resources. Common causes include poor patient memory, physical difficulties, unpleasant side effects and a lack of social support. Conclusion Strategies such as careful labelling, self-administration of medicine programmes, simplifying drug regimens and the use of medication compliance devices can help to promote patient adherence. Some of these interventions will work for certain patients, however the authors recommend that a multidisciplinary assessment and a regular review of each patient’s ability to adhere to medication should be undertaken.