Lucy Ward

bacteria in Petri dish

Preventing CAUTIs

A CPD article improved Lucy Ward’s knowledge of catheter-associated urinary tract infections

Record-keeping and documentation

A patient’s notes, assessments, care plans and letters are all evidence of the care and treatment they received. This CPD article highlighted how patient records are clinical tools that act as evidence of care, or the lack of it, and are relevant to every nurse’s practice.

Blood glucose and stroke

I work in an emergency assessment unit, and have worked in several stroke units. Reading the CPD article updated my knowledge of the care of patients who have had a stroke, particularly in relation to blood glucose monitoring and management.

Patient history taking

Reading the learning zone article on taking a patient history encouraged me to reflect on this core clinical skill. I have worked in a variety of different areas of nursing since I qualified as a nurse more than ten years ago, and taking a patient history is a skill that is applicable to all areas of nursing.

Skill analysis

Sometimes it is difficult to describe what you do as a nurse and how you practise nursing, even to other nurses. However, by naming a practice skill and describing what it involves, you can describe what is skilful and examine which parts of a skill you do well.