How to organise and run Schwartz rounds
Intended for healthcare professionals
Evidence and practice    

How to organise and run Schwartz rounds

Debbie Duncan Lecturer in education (nursing), School of Nursing and Midwifery, Medical Biology Centre, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, Northern Ireland

Why you should read this article:
  • To understand the concept and aims of Schwartz rounds

  • To learn how to organise, prepare for and facilitate a Schwartz round

  • To increase your knowledge of the benefits of Schwartz rounds for healthcare professionals and students

Rationale and key points

Schwartz rounds are a group-based model of reflective practice originally designed to assist medical staff to develop more compassion in their care. The aim of Schwartz rounds is to help healthcare professionals such as nurses ‘reconnect’ with why they first entered the caring profession.

• Schwartz rounds are designed to assist multidisciplinary healthcare professionals with the emotional, social and ethical aspects of caregiving.

• Schwartz rounds can also be used to support resilience training and boost workforce morale.

• The use of Schwartz rounds can assist nurses to understand the moral challenges they may encounter while caring for patients.

Reflective activity

‘How to’ articles can help to update your practice and ensure it remains evidence based. Apply this article to your practice. Reflect on and write a short account of:

• How this article might help you organise Schwartz rounds in your clinical area.

• How you could use this information to educate your colleagues about Schwartz rounds.

Nursing Management. doi: 10.7748/nm.2023.e2094

Peer review

This article has been subject to external double-blind peer review and checked for plagiarism using automated software


Conflict of interest

None declared

Duncan D (2023) How to organise and run Schwartz rounds. Nursing Management. doi: 10.7748/nm.2023.e2094


Please note that information provided by Nursing Management is not sufficient to make the reader competent to perform the task. All clinical skills should be formally assessed according to policy and procedures. It is the nurse’s responsibility to ensure their practice remains up to date and reflects the latest evidence

Published online: 20 July 2023

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