CPD articles

Our continuing professional development (CPD) articles are designed to assist with your nursing skills and practice.

Leading in teams: part 2

TEAMS HAVE to develop over time, and simply using the term to describe groups of people does...

Leading in teams: part 1

THINK ABOUT a time when you volunteered, or nearly volunteered, to take the lead as part of...

Learning to lead: part 2

LEADERSHIP USED to be most often associated with solitary heroic figures, usually men, who...

Learning to lead

WE CAN CONCEPTUALISE the process of leadership as a cycle of stages: developing initial...

Defining public value in health care provision

PUBLIC VALUE has been defined as ‘what the public values – what they are willing to make...

Difficult encounters

PRACTITIONERS, PARTICULARLY nurses, face difficult encounters every day. Almost all...

Mentoring and the value of observation

GOOD MENTORS know when and how to use their own experience and skills to support the staff...

Settings for death and dying

In the early 1980s, a study by Cameron and Parkes ( 1983 ) showed that more bereaved people...

The challenge of relationship boundaries in mental health

People can play multiple roles in their lives that both relate to other people and imply...

Mental illness … or disability?

ARE PEOPLE who experience mental health problems ill or disabled? This question is as...

Shifting boundaries

WE ALL experience degrees of mental illness and distress during our lives. Some nurse...

Gender and communication

LET’S START by reflecting on the nature and origin of gender differences and making clear...

‘Racialisation’ and racism

‘RACIALISATION’ CAN be described as the process by which people are defined according to...

Managing diversity

THE KINDS of ‘difference’ we are discussing here relate to people’s social identities: their...

