
Focusing on a patient’s human rights will help you resolve ethical dilemmas in practice

A human rights approach makes nursing care more person-centred

Mentoring: What’s in it for me?

Students and experienced nurses can learn from each other through a mentoring programme

What does flexible working mean to you?

It could help the NHS retain nurses – but should mean more than accommodating childcare needs

How can you make your trust the best place to work?

Leaders at two London trusts reveal how they empowered staff to improve practice

Nursing’s big moment: why 2020 will be a platform for the profession

The British nurse heading the ICN says it’s time to build on what Nursing Now has begun

The board game that helps everyone recognise they’re a leader

Nursing staff across all bands and roles take the lead – but often without recognising it

If nurses won’t raise the subject of death with a patient, who will?

Why it’s important to have an honest conversation about an individual’s end of life care

The Europe-wide bonds that boost nursing students’ leadership potential

How membership of the Florence Network enriches preregistration programmes

Cautions against catheters

Nurses should constantly review the need to continue with catheters, says updated guidance

Hand hygiene: even 100% compliance scores may be concealing hospitals’ dirty secrets

Audit is often flawed and is no substitute for examining prevalence of acquired infections

The NMC isn’t all about striking people off – there’s so much we can do to support care

New chief executive wants registrants going through FtP processes to be shown kindness

Antimicrobial resistance: how you can make a difference

Feeling daunted by the AMR crisis? Here's how your daily practice can help turn the tide

Continence: why is such a serious issue so often overlooked?

A team of nurses is working to break the taboo around potentially life-threatening conditions

